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Male Breast Reduction (Gynecomastia Surgery)

Male breast reduction is a surgical procedure designed to eliminate enlarged breast tissue in males, known as “gynecomastia.”

The presence of excess fat in male breasts can prevent men from achieving the firm, toned chest they desire. Gynecomastia surgery eliminates these “man-boobs” to produce more attractive chest contours, and this is one of the most common plastic surgeries undergone by men.

Common characteristics of gynecomastia include:

  • Localized fat deposits in the chest area
  • Overabundance of glandular tissue
  • Excess breast skin

How Is Gynecomastia Treated?

When gynecomastia is primarily the result of excess fat tissue in the chest area, liposuction is typically performed to permanently remove these fat cells. After making tiny incisions in the creases beneath the breasts, a cannula (thin hollow tube) is inserted under the skin to suction away unwanted fat deposits. When gynecomastia is more extensive, breast skin and glandular tissue may also be removed.

Common Reasons to Have Male Breast Reduction

Restore Confidence

Enlarged breasts can cause significant embarrassment that detracts from a man’s self-esteem. Gynecomastia surgery provides a more masculine appearance to improve a man’s confidence and self-image.

Wear Fitted Clothing

Excess fat tissue in the breasts often prevents men from wearing tighter clothing and discourages them from taking off their shirts in public. Male breast reduction surgery improves the contours of the chest so that men can be comfortable no matter what they’re wearing.

Improve Hygiene

Gynecomastia often causes folds and creases in the skin that can lead to rashes, irritation, and other hygiene issues. Gynecomastia surgery eliminates excess breast tissue, which improves hygiene in this area.

Reduce Discomfort

Enlarged male breasts can be uncomfortable and even painful, which can impede performance during physical activities and athletics. Removing excess breast tissue will improve comfort, increase mobility, and elevate a man’s quality of life.

The Gynecomastia Surgery Process


Once you fill out the online questionnaire, you will be contacted to confirm an appointment for a one-on-one consultation with the surgeon. You may also provide photos through our HIPAA compliant system and during your visit your surgeon can provide a personal 3D simulation using your own photos. This tool is a powerful education tool that helps identify what can and cannot be performed.

This appointment also includes an analysis of your health history, any medications you are taking, and what you desire to achieve with the procedure. Please have all of this information with you when you come to your appointment. All of which can be submitted electronically through our HIPAA compliant patient portal.

The surgeon will discuss the techniques that will best provide you with the results you desire and answer any questions you may have.

Preoperative Instructions

Your surgeon will review in detail all of the information you need to know prior to surgery.

Generally, patients should avoid nicotine products six weeks before surgery and stop taking anti-inflammatory medication (e.g., aspirin and ibuprofen) for at least two weeks before surgery. Some vitamins and supplements may also cause problems during or after surgery, so it is best to avoid them or to talk to your surgeon about potential side effects.

You may be asked to bathe using an antibacterial soap before your procedure.

Eating and drinking restrictions include:

  • 8 hours before the procedure – stop eating heavy meals or foods, such as meat, fried foods, or fatty foods.
  • 6 hours before the procedure – stop eating light meals or foods, such as toast or cereal.
  • 6 hours before the procedure – stop drinking milk or drinks that contain milk.
  • 2 hours before the procedure – stop drinking clear liquids.

Be sure to arrange for someone to drive you home and care for you for the first 48 hours after your procedure.

During the Procedure

Gynecomastia surgery is performed with general anesthesia, in a surgery center, and takes approximately two to three hours to complete. An IV will be inserted into one of your veins. Based on the techniques agreed upon during your consultation, the surgeon will place the incisions as described above. Incisions are closed with absorbable sutures and covered with surgical tape. In most cases drains are not used but not uncommon. Liposuction and fat grafting are tools that helps shape the chest and will be discussed during your consultation.


After surgery, your blood pressure, heart rate, breathing rate, and blood oxygen level will be monitored until you leave the surgical center. You may continue to receive fluids and pain medicines through an IV.

You will have to wear compression stockings to help prevent blood clots and reduce swelling in your legs. You will be advised to wear a vest with mild compression to aid with swelling and to keep you comfortable. Breast swelling will typically subside after about three weeks but may last as long as 6 months. If fat grafting was used to increase the size of the pec muscles compression over this area will be limited to the compression garment recommended. You will be asked to refrain from sleeping on your chest.

Expect pain, bruising, and tenderness for which you will be provided pain medications as needed.

For the first few days after surgery you will need to get plenty of rest. Most patients are able to return to work in one-two weeks and resume regular exercise after about six weeks.

Your surgeon will give you more detailed information about what you can expect during your recovery.

Male Breast Reduction FAQs

Q. What causes gynecomastia?

A. Gynecomastia can occur from an imbalance of hormones, but it can also be a side effect of certain medications or medical conditions. Being overweight is also a common cause of excess fat in the chest area. Gynecomastia often resolves on its own or through diet and exercise. During your initial consultation, your surgeon will determine the cause of your gynecomastia to rule out any medical condition.

Q. Am I a good candidate for male breast reduction?

A. Good candidates for male breast reduction are medically healthy, do not smoke, and are within 30 to 40 pounds of their ideal body weight. In addition, it is usually recommended that gynecomastia be delayed until after puberty when the patient is in his late teens or early twenties. To determine if you are a good candidate for gynecomastia surgery, it is best to schedule a personalized consultation with a board-certified plastic surgeon.

Q. What is the recovery time for male breast reduction?

A. Most men feel good enough to return to work one week after gynecomastia surgery. However, exercise and physical activity should be avoided for at least one month to allow for proper healing.

Q. How long do the results of male breast reduction last?

A. The results of gynecomastia surgery are intended to be permanent, but weight fluctuations and the natural aging process can alter the appearance of the chest over time. Results of male breast reduction surgery can be maintained by following a healthy lifestyle.

Q. Is male breast reduction covered by health insurance?

A. Some health insurance companies will cover the cost of gynecomastia surgery. However, it is important to check with your health insurance provider to know what your individual plan covers before undergoing the procedure.